Birth Support

I believe that a doula’s main purpose is to support the family in achieving the birth that they desire.
In labour, I will be strong for you when you need me while allowing for the natural unfolding of the birth process to take place. This is where the magic truly happens. Typically I will hold space for the birthing mother by ensuring that she is hydrated, nourished and feeling comfortable.

In the months leading up to the birth we will put together a birth plan, discuss what to expect in a hospital or home birth setting, and establish comfort measures that could be used during labour. If you like, we can work with your body to ensure that you are practicing safe postures (yoga), thinking about pelvic floor flexibility (oh yes!) and preparing yourself for the exciting process of labour.

I will gather information to put together a meal train for you.

And, if you want a natural hospital birth, but are nervous about interventions, we can role-play scenarios (fun times!).
Furthermore we discuss how to make informed decisions during labor by using the B.R.A.I.N. acronym.

To get started, I offer a free in-person meeting to see if we are a good fit.

Birth Doula Package: $900-1500

  • 1-2+ prenatal visits*. Approx. 2-4 hours, as needed. 
  • Birth plan: we will work together to make a solid plan for you.
  • Prenatal- postpartum planning. Looking forward to your postpartum time.
  • Unlimited phone and email contact.
  • On call 9 days before and after your calculated due date.
  • Continuous labour support until 1-2 hours after birth (as you need me).
  • 1-2+ postpartum house calls*.
  • Meal train arrangement (Oh this is good!). Bonus!  
  • Extras: Personalized prenatal yoga** Additional: $35/hr. Minimum 2 hours per session. (Start as early in the pregnancy process with me as you can!)  

Hourly rate: $35/hour for prenatal and postpartum care (minimum 2 hours).


So, If you would like more than 2 prenatal or postpartum visits, let’s talk about your needs and create a package that’s perfect for your family.

*The more the better! This is why I offer flexibility to my price and package. I want you to feel totally comforted by the care you receive from me. Also, I like to start early with my clients. If you find me in your first trimester, great! I think having a good birth plan in place and spending the time to work on your mind body connection is really valuable for your experience of labour, birth and beyond.

** We will do body-movement work in our sessions together. This add-on is useful if you want to strengthen your body, practice safe prenatal postures with a guide, work on pelvic floor exercises (really important!), as well as challenge your mind with some mind-body techniques.

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

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Sadie is an amazing, compassionate and very knowledgeable doula! Throughout my home birth Sadie encouraged me to dance, move and work with my body and my baby. When my daughter‘s Head was tilted Funny during labour Sadie knew just what to do to get her in the right position. During my postpartum period she was a wonderful help bringing me tea and snacks when I needed it and listened to my exhausted, ecstatic, hormonal mind rant and rejoice. I would highly recommend Sadie as a doula!! -Marika Hall


Sadie was our doula for our first baby and she was terrific. She has a beautiful energy and lots of ideas, not to mention knowledge! She really knows her stuff. She made helpful suggestions both during pregnancy and labour, but didn't push anything if I didn't feel comfortable. She was there to support me no matter what, not push any kind of agenda or opinion.

Our labour was long and I was so grateful to have her on our team - she was helpful and resourceful and cheerful and supportive. She danced with us to help labour progress, walked up and down the halls a million times, spelled my partner off so he could go outside or just take a break to clear his head, and was right there holding my leg when it came time to push. I felt surrounded by care with her and my partner on either side of me - I think i would have felt much more fearful without her.

As helpful as she was to me, she may have been even more helpful to my partner - she helped him to see where he could fit in to the whole process, relieved his fears and gave him breaks to take care of himself. He had this to say about her "she was so cool and easy to get along with. She really met us where we were at and instilled confidence in the process. She was calm and helped me feel empowered at the hospital when I was unsure how to help. I was initially skeptical about hiring a doula, but I was absolutely grateful she was there." -Jessamy